plaiting instructions for Dodecahedron, Icosahedron (vertex-plaiting),
small stellated Dodecahedron,
great Dodecahedron,
stellated Icosahedron.
(may be neglected, every way of plaiting the paper strips obeying the plaiting principle should work)
I, II,.., VI: the 6 paper strips;
a1, a2,.., a5: the 5 outer quadrilaterals of a strip;
i1, i2,.., i5: the 5 inner quadrilaterals of a strip;
↑↑: place upon in equal orientation, ↑↓: place upon
in reverse orientation
plaiting actions:
1) i3II ↑↑ a3I;
i3III ↑↑ a3II, i4I ↑↓ a2III;
3) i3IV ↑↑ a3III, i4II ↑↓ a2IV;
4) i3V ↑↑ a3IV, i4III ↑↓ a2V, i3I ↑↑ a3V,
i4V ↑↓ a2II, i4IV ↑↓ a2I;
now plait in strip VI:
i2I ↑↑ a2VI, i2VI ↑↑ a4III, i2V ↑↑ a1VI, i1VI ↑↑ a4II, i2IV ↑↑ firstVI, i5III ↑↓ a1I,
i3VI ↑↑ a4IV, i2II ↑↓ a3 VI, i5IV ↑↓ a1II, i4VI ↑↑ a4V, i2III ↑↓ a4VI, i5V ↑↓ a1III,
i1III ↑↑ a5IV, i1II ↑↓ a5III ↑↑ firstIII, eIII under a5IV, i5VI ↑↑ a4I, i5II ↑↓ a1V, etc.,
apply the plaiting principle to finish.
fastening of the end-quadrilaterals:
the quadrilateral marked "e" (end) of every strip always has to be fastened under some other strip and it always has to be placed on a "first" quadrilateral of a certain strip. When fastening of a whole "e"-quadrilateral seems too difficult, it should be folded first to obtain a triangle, which can be fastened more easily.
| | i1 | a1 | i2 | a2 |
i3 | a3 |
i4 | a4 | i5 | a5 | e |
I | ↑↑i1V | ↑↑a5II | ↑↓i5III |
↑↑a2VI | ↑↓i4IV | ↑↑a3V | ↑↑i3II |
↑↓a2III | ↑↑i5VI | ↑↓a1IV | ↑↑i1V | ↑↑a5II |
II | ↑↑i1I | ↑↑a5III | ↑↓i5IV |
↑↑a3VI | ↑↓i4V | ↑↑a3I | ↑↑i3III |
↑↓a2IV | ↑↑i1VI | ↑↓a1V | ↑↑i1I | ↑↑a5III |
III | ↑↑i1II | ↑↑a5IV | ↑↓i5V |
↑↑a4VI | ↑↓i4I | ↑↑a3II | ↑↑i3IV |
↑↓a2V | ↑↑i2VI | ↑↓a1I | ↑↑i1II | ↑↑a5IV |
IV | ↑↑i1III | ↑↑a5V | ↑↓i5I |
↑↑a5VI | ↑↓i4II | ↑↑a3III | ↑↑i3V |
↑↓a2I | ↑↑i3VI | ↑↓a1II | ↑↑i1III | ↑↑a5V |
V | ↑↑i1IV | ↑↑a5I | ↑↓i5II |
↑↑a1VI | ↑↓i4III | ↑↑a3IV | ↑↑i3I |
↑↓a2II | ↑↑i4VI | ↑↓a1III | ↑↑i1IV | ↑↑a5I |
VI | ↑↑i2IV | ↑↑a4II | ↑↑i2V |
↑↑a4III | ↑↑i2I | ↑↑a4IV | ↑↑i2II |
↑↑a4V | ↑↑i2III | ↑↑a4I | ↑↑i2IV | ↑↑a4II |