Download or execution of a small applet
("nQueens.exe", 31 kb), written in VB 5, expected to run under all Windows versions.
The program generates all solutions of the n Queens Problem (0 ≤ n ≤ 32): "Place n queens on a n x n -chessboard, such that no queen attacks any other one." |
input n
| input for the board width n (0 ≤ n ≤ 32) |
fixed queens / last shown position
| the positions of certain queens may be prescribed (red). Input of j in column i means: a queen is placed in row j of column i of the board. Empty input leads to the lexicographically first solution. / The last shown position always will be displayed here. |
test |
user input has to be tested before computation can start. |
start/continue |
the computation starts or will be continued after interruption. |
break |
interrupts a running computation. |
next solution |
starts a search for the next solution, when a solution already has been found. |
reset |
deletes all in- and output, returns the applet to its initial state. |
quit |
finishes program execution and closes the applet window. |
actual position |
display for the last computed position of queens. Number j in column i means: on the chessboard there is a queen in column i and row j. If the positions of n queens are shown, a solution is found. |
state |
indicates the actual state of the applet. |
solution number |
counts the number of solutions already found. |
© H.B. Meyer |
download or execute program "nQueens.exe" |
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